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CLOTHING Web Results
CLOTHING | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
CLOTHING definition: 1. clothes, especially clothes of a particular type or those worn in a particular situation: 2….
APPAREL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
APPAREL definition: 1. clothes of a particular type when they are being sold in a shop: 2. clothes 3. clothes of a….
GARMENT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
GARMENT definition: 1. a piece of clothing 2. a piece of clothing 3. a piece of clothing: . Learn more.
ATTIRE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
ATTIRE definition: 1. clothes, especially of a particular or formal type: 2. clothes, especially of a particular or….
WEAR | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
WEAR definition: 1. to have clothing, jewellery, etc. on your body: 2. to show a particular emotion on your face….
TAILORED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
TAILORED definition: 1. used to describe a piece of clothing that is shaped to fit a person's body closely: 2. used to….
CASUAL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
CASUAL definition: 1. Casual clothes are not formal or not suitable for special occasions: 2. not taking or not….
STRIP | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
STRIP definition: 1. to remove, pull, or tear the covering or outer layer from something: 2. to remove something….
VINTAGE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
VINTAGE definition: 1. produced in the past, and typical of the period in which it was made: 2. used to describe….
EQUIPMENT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
EQUIPMENT definition: 1. the set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for a particular purpose: 2. the act of equipping a….
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