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What is the difference between a directory and a folder?What is the difference between a directory and a folder?
The analogy with rooms makes little sense as "Folder" is a superset of directories: Every directory is a folder, but not all folders are directories. In general with operating-systems and file-systems "directory" has a very specific meaning - that of a path that can hold information about other directories or files.

Diff files present in two different directories - Stack OverflowDiff files present in two different directories - Stack Overflow
For example, diff -qr repo1 repo2 -x ".git" will compare two directories (repo1 and repo2) but will exclude files in .git folder of respective directories. – ViFI Commented Apr 16, 2020 at 19:15

How do I get only directories using Get-ChildItem?How do I get only directories using Get-ChildItem?
Get a list of directories in the target location: Get-ChildItem \\myserver\myshare\myshare\ -Directory; Extract only the name of the directories: Select-Object -Property name; Convert the output to CSV format: convertto-csv -NoTypeInformation; Save the result to a file: Out-File c:\temp\mydirectorylist.csv

ruby - Getting a list of folders in a directory - Stack Overflowruby - Getting a list of folders in a directory - Stack Overflow
Note that this will get you all directories, including hidden ones as well as '.' (current directory) and '..' (parent of current directory). In most cases, you want to remove at least those two. In most cases, you want to remove at least those two.

Listing only directories using ls in Bash? - Stack OverflowListing only directories using ls in Bash? - Stack Overflow
llod # Long listing of all directories in current directory llod -tr # Same but in chronological order oldest first llod -d a* # Limit to directories beginning with letter 'a' llod -d .* # Limit to hidden directories Note: it will break if you use the -i option. Here is a fix for that:

Find and replace with sed in directory and sub directoriesFind and replace with sed in directory and sub directories
It also respects .gitignore so it won't mess up your .git or node_modules directories (find . by default will go into your .git directory and can corrupt it!!!) Share Improve this answer

List all files and directories in a directory + subdirectoriesList all files and directories in a directory + subdirectories
It would be faster to use Directory.EnumerateDirectories using SearchOption.AllDirectories to enumerate all directories, but this method will fail if hits a UnauthorizedAccessException or PathTooLongException. Uses the generic Stack collection type, which is a last in first out (LIFO) stack and does not use recursion.

How to properly add include directories with CMakeHow to properly add include directories with CMake
In the case that the question is referring to some IDEs' sense of the word "project", which CMake calls "targets", header files are external to a project would be those that aren't intended to be accessed through any of the include directories of a target (Ex. Include directories that come from targets linked to the target in question).

linux - bash find directories - Stack Overflowlinux - bash find directories - Stack Overflow
I am new to bash scripts. I'm just trying to make a script that will search through a directory and echo the names of all subdirectories. The basis for the code is the following script (call it

Get all directories within directory nodejs - Stack OverflowGet all directories within directory nodejs - Stack Overflow
The directories which are directed children of the specified path ("./dir") will be printed. If you do not put the option depth: 1, you would even obtain all the directories in a recursively way, so not only the directed children of the specified path.

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