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 | San Antonio: Education and Research - Elementary and Secondary Schools ...
Colleges and Universities Variously offering associate, undergraduate, and graduate degrees in many disciplines, San Antonio's institutions of higher learning include the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), is comprised of Colleges of Business, Education and Human Development, Engineering, Liberal and Fine Arts, Sciences, Public Policy, and Honors College; a school of Architecture; and ...
 | San Angelo, Texas - City-Data.com
San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, San Angelo, TX Sunset Mall - San Angelo, TX - Shopping mall San Angelo, Texas accommodation & food services, waste management - Economy and Business Data
 | Does a Master's Degree in Education Automatically make you Qualified ...
No one wants to sub, either, so they can't get those classrooms covered. Teachers in areas like fine arts and special ed are being pulled out of their classrooms and told to cover other people's classrooms. Teachers who were hired at one campus are being forcibly transferred to another in order to level classes and some have quit because of this.
 | Jersey City: Economy - Major Industries and Commercial Activity ...
Development Projects The most recent major redevelopment projects in Jersey City are divided into the areas of Downtown and the Waterfront, Journal Square, the HUB at Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, the Warehouse District Artist in Residence program, Saint Peter's College/McGinley Square Area Improvement project, residential development, and various commercial and industrial developments.
 | Mentor, Ohio - City-Data.com
Estimated per capita income in 2022: $43,107 (it was $24,592 in 2000) Mentor city income, earnings, and wages data