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Hospitals - World Health Organization (WHO)Hospitals - World Health Organization (WHO)
Hospital functions and organization vary according to health-care delivery organizations and each hospital’s unique position in the system. Good management structures ensure coordination among staff, services, infrastructure and supply chains to deliver high-quality care.

Hospitals in Viet Nam - World Health Organization (WHO)Hospitals in Viet Nam - World Health Organization (WHO)
Hospital autonomy reforms in Viet Nam were initiated in the 1990s, with a new policy allowing hospitals to charge user fees. It is well recognized that public hospitals in Viet Nam need to strengthen its finance and management and be effectively governed at the system level to drive improvement in quality and efficiency.

Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital Maldives recognized as a National ...Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital Maldives recognized as a National ...
Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) is a publicly funded hospital in the capital of Malé, Maldives and is the largest healthcare facility in country. Its primary function is to provide high quality tertiary level healthcare services to around 150,000 people living in the capital city and specialist referral services.

Hospital emergency response checklist - World Health Organization (WHO)Hospital emergency response checklist - World Health Organization (WHO)
hospital-based emergency management principles and best practices and integrates priority action required for rapid, effective response to a critical event based on an all-hazards approach. The tool is structured according to nine key components, each with a list of priority action to support hospital managers and emergency planners in achieving:

The burden of health care-associated infection worldwideThe burden of health care-associated infection worldwide
Health care-associated infection (HAI), also referred to as "nosocomial" or "hospital" infection, is an infection occurring in a patient during the process of care in a hospital or other health care facility which was not present or incubating at the time of admission.

Improving hospital planning and management: Regional action framework ...Improving hospital planning and management: Regional action framework ...
document, a hospital is a health-care facility that provides inpatient health services, with continuous supervision and care of patients, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (American Hospital Association, 2014). Hospitals should also link to and support primary health services and health promotion in the community.

Interagency Integrated Triage Tool - World Health Organization (WHO)Interagency Integrated Triage Tool - World Health Organization (WHO)
Acuity-based triage is the standard method of sorting patients in medical settings and can be performed at any point of access to the health care system, including in both pre-hospital ambulance services and hospitals. Tool

Patient safety - World Health Organization (WHO)Patient safety - World Health Organization (WHO)
19. De Rezende HA, Melleiro MM, Shimoda GT. Interventions to reduce patient identification errors in the hospital setting: a systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis. 2019;17(1):37–42. 20. Pèpin J, Chakra CN, Pèpin E, Nault V, Valiquette L. Evolution of the global burden of viral infections from unsafe medical injections, 2000–2010.

Infection prevention and control - World Health Organization (WHO)Infection prevention and control - World Health Organization (WHO)
The problem. Available evidence shows that compliance with hand hygiene recommendations during health care delivery remains suboptimal around the world, with an average of 59.6% compliance levels in intensive care units up to 2018, and extreme differences between high income and low income countries (64.5% vs 9.1%).

Green hospitals for a healthier future - World Health Organization (WHO)Green hospitals for a healthier future - World Health Organization (WHO)
Written by Indah Deviyanti, National Professional Officer (Environment) and Irma Syahriar, Communication Officer.Protecting and restoring human health, saving lives, and strengthening health services – albeit for a good cause – may come at a price if we are not careful.Imagine public health institutions, such as hospitals, operating 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, offering a range of ...

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