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The Bucket List: How to Ski Or Ride Tuckerman RavineThe Bucket List: How to Ski Or Ride Tuckerman Ravine
Tuckerman Ravine is a rite of passage for many East Coast skiers. The iconic run on Mt. Washington was one of the incubators of American skiing. In 1939 Toni Matt became the first person to straight-line the headwall, accidentally, at the infamous American Inferno, a 4.2 mile race from the summit to base.

Return to skiing after TKR, what to expect? - tetongravity.comReturn to skiing after TKR, what to expect? -
Once I stopped favoring the right and let the left rest, it stopped hurting nearly as much. So I decided to postpone the left and actually went skiing on 12/4 instead. I took it easy at first, but I kept pushing it. Some days I'd have to ease off. But I ended with 130 days and toward the end of the season, I was killing it and so will you!

PSA: Tree Wells are Dangerous and How To Avoid Getting Stuck In ThemPSA: Tree Wells are Dangerous and How To Avoid Getting Stuck In Them
While many of us might love skiing and riding in the trees (especially during dangerous avalanche conditions, when this can be a safer option), tree wells pose a real danger. A tree well is the area of deep, unconsolidated snow around the base of a tree that can “swallow” a rider if they come too close to the tree trunk.

East Coast Roll Call 66 24/25 always remember SKIING IS FUN - Page 17East Coast Roll Call 66 24/25 always remember SKIING IS FUN - Page 17
The skiing was nice from Jacobs down, though I did get into some rocks, better than expected. Cog crowd eating marshmallows at Wambec didn't share anything other than diesel smell near the summit Pretty spectacular day in the Whites 10/10 Will return Today was good for a while Then it rained And the fog arrived

Europe hut skiing advise - tetongravity.comEurope hut skiing advise -
Heading out for a three-day ski hut tour in Switzerland, starting in Arolla with the first night at the Cabane de Dix hut, then heading to the Vignettes hut for night two, and wrapping it all up by skiing into Zermatt on day three.

East Coast Roll Call 66 24/25 always remember SKIING IS FUNEast Coast Roll Call 66 24/25 always remember SKIING IS FUN
There is a book about skiing the presidential range. But the cog and sherburne are obvious and I ski them solo. I did get a Garmin inreach for that, especially midweek. But ski around Sugarloaf, make friends, and I bet you will find your crew. They might share their spots.

Telemark skiing is dead. - Page 88 - tetongravity.comTelemark skiing is dead. - Page 88 -
Teaching telemark skiing became his introduction to Chouinard Equipment where he was hired as a tech rep to sell telemark skis and bindings. He worked to develop TUA skis as a feasible brand in the US, develop Scarpa as a viable backcountry ski boot brand and conceived the first plastic telemark boot with Scarpa.

What do you consider a big ski day? - tetongravity.comWhat do you consider a big ski day? -
Last year mid April was skiing with a good crew more or less bell to bell and racked up just shy of 60k. That was skiing multiple fast laps in the Alta chutes, T3, Amphitheater, etc. Good mix of technical terrain. That was a “big” day for me. I think skiing 100k on a fast groomer day is completely doable if that’s your goal.

Backcountry Skiing Near Helena MT - Teton GravityBackcountry Skiing Near Helena MT - Teton Gravity
In my opinion the best BC skiing near Helena is Mt. Edith/Baldy Complex at the end of the Big Belts. This Year's Backcountry mag family issue BackStory is a story I wrote about time spent up there (sorry for the shameless plug) About a 45 drive from town, north of Townsend, begins your approach.

Skiing and Biking after a Heart Attack - Teton GravitySkiing and Biking after a Heart Attack - Teton Gravity
Hi folks I'm 40, had a heart attack driving home from mountain biking mid December North of Glasgow. PCI Stent inserted within 2.5 hrs, I'm 13stone, 5'9", pre Mi cholesterol 3.9, post 2.1 Bp. 130/85, Ejection fraction post MI 64%.

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